Have you ever purchased a product that promised you the world, and then been sorely disappointed, when said miraculous product failed to deliver on its promises, or broke after an hour of use? We all have, and we have all have tried to contact customer service or technical support to have our technical issues and concerns addressed. However, thanks to advances in technology, many customers have experienced the automated customer services and technical support suites that have become standard at most consumer-driven companies. You know the ones I am referring to, readers. You know the ones where the metallic, robotic voice greets the caller, “Thank you for calling “Company-X’s” Technical Support Division. If, you have billing questions, press one, and you’ll be transferred to the appropriate computer within the hour. If however, you have become so frustrated with your new miraculous whatever, that you wish to run it over several times with your SUV, then press two and we will attempt, unsuccessfully to rectify your issue.” Because of these recent developments, customer reviews often award low marks to products due to a lack of genuine customer service and understanding.
While many companies have been overrun by technology, and lost the most vital part of a company, the customer, in a maze of wires, internet connections, and telephone lines, one company has never lost sight of the customer’s paramount importance to a successful business. RIM, the makers of fourth-generation BlackBerry devices and accessories has provided one of the best customer and technical support systems available on the market. For instance, BlackBerry Support has been divided into several different organizations. Should a customer experience technical difficulties with their Smart Phone, then they can be connected to a section of support that specializes in troubleshooting and updating cell phone software.
This is also true where the BlackBerry PlayBook is concerned. For example, if a person experiences difficulties with their PlayBook or any of its associated applications, then PlayBook apps support can offer helpful assistance with troubleshooting and software updates via the internet, in traditional establishments, and through the telephone. At the same time, BlackBerry PlayBook Contact offers an innovative application, which allows the user to freely transfer address books and other contact information from one fourth-generation device to another. According to online research, this particular has experienced its share of problems, since its release in August of 2011. However, PlayBook support has been further divided into specific departments dealing with PlayBook Contact Support. Based on this information, the BlackBerry PlayBook and other fourth-generation devices from RIM offer the apex of performance and customer support.
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